Jefferson's Ocean New York Edition and Jefferson's Ocean Rye

I’d like to thank Jefferson’s Bourbon and their PR team for providing this review sample with no strings attached.

IMAGE: Jefferson's Ocean New York Edition along with a sample bottle of Jefferson's Ocean Rye

Last week, I got myself a shipment of whiskey from the PR agency that represents Jefferson’s Bourbon. I’ve enjoyed Jefferson’s in the past but as I was often critical of the cost of the bourbon, I was a bit surprised when they offered me a sample of their new releases. But since “too expensive” is relative, I try to not let that stop me from exploring a new bourbon. Especially when they are providing the sample for review.

Tonight’s two whiskeys are again from the Jefferson’s Ocean lineup. Because we have a lot to cover, let’s just let Jefferson’s tell you what they want you to know about each whiskey and then we can discuss what they taste like.

First, Jefferson’s Ocean Rye:

Welcome aboard rye’s first voyage, joining our Jefferson’s Ocean Aged at Sea family as our 26th voyage. This double-barreled rye whiskey travels the world on ships at sea, blending the bold flavor of Rye with the rich caramelization that comes from the unique sea aging process.

And now Jefferson’s Ocean New York Edition

Prior to landing in New York, the barrels of bourbon traveled around the world sailing through rough and smooth seas while experiencing a wide range of temperatures. When they finished their voyage, they arrived at Manhattan’s first distillery since prohibition. From here, New York’s famous water was used to cut the bourbon to a 98 proof and it is non chill filtered creating a bigger and bolder liquid.

Ok, now that that’s behind us, Let’s see how they taste.

Jefferson's Ocean Rye

Purchase Info: This sample bottle was provided at no cost for review purposes. The suggested retail price is $79.99 for a 750 mL bottle.

Price per Drink (50 mL): $5.33

Details: 48% ABV.

Nose: Wintergreen, cinnamon, bubblegum.

Mouth: Cinnamon spice, nutmeg, bubblegum, and cardboard.

Finish: Medium in warmth and length. Notes of bubble gum, spearmint, and baking spice.

Thoughts: Lots of bubble gum on this one. At least to my palate. This isn't a world-beater by any means, but it isn't bad. It just doesn't align with my palate. I prefer my rye whiskies to have a little more ' 'rye" flavor to them. So I'm neutral on this one. I'd drink it if you were pouring, but probably wouldn't choose it off the shelf if I was pouring

Jefferson's Ocean: New York Edition

Purchase Info: This sample bottle was provided at no cost for review purposes. They did not provided a suggested retail price but the Bourbon Review is reporting it as $99 for a 750 mL.

Price per Drink (50 mL): $6.67

Details: 49% ABV. Cut to proof with New York water.

Nose: Cinnamon, vanilla, red berries, and hints of oak and wintergreen.

Mouth: Spicy cinnamon, red fruit, brown sugar, wintergreen, dried grain, and raw almond.

Finish: On the longer side of medium length. Notes of nutmeg, wintergreen, vanilla, and cinnamon.

Thoughts: I'm very pleasantly surprised by this one. I'm not usually a huge fan of Jefferson's Bourbon, but this one is pretty good. It has a nice spiciness. Unlike the other Jefferson's Bourbons I've had recently, this doesn't stray too far away from the stereotypical "Bourbon" flavor profile. I usually describe Jefferson's as a "change of pace" bourbon because it is a bit different than the other bourbons on the market. This needs no such disclaimer. I'm a fan. Though the $100 price point of the Jefferson's Ocean New York Edition release does leave a bit to be desired. Especially if you are on a dogsitter’s budget like I am.

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Of course, if you want to support and get a little something back in return, you can always head over to and purchase some merch. I’ve made tasting journals, stickers, pins, and more.

Old Fitzgerald Bottled In Bond, Fall 2022

I’d like to thank Heaven Hill for providing this review sample with no strings attached.

IMAGE: A sample bottle of Old Fitzgerald Bottled-in-Bond, Fall 2022 edition sitting in the snow.

Man alive! I just spent the last four hours straight building a PowerPoint presentation for a client. My eyes and my brain are absolutely fried tonight. So, because we’ve covered almost all of the previous editions previously, I’m going to let the folks at Heaven Hill talk for themselves tonight.

The Fall 2022 edition of Old Fitzgerald Bottled-in-Bond Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is the first 19-year-old of the nationally released series and features Bourbon pulled from across three floors of rickhouse F and one floor of rickhouse X at Heaven Hill Distillery's main campus. As a leader of the Bottled-in-Bond category, Heaven Hill is proud to offer a premium product within this special class that showcases the authenticity and quality of the American Whiskey portfolio. Acquired in 1999 by Heaven Hill, the legendary Old Fitzgerald line is well-known for its distilling pedigree and intriguing story behind its namesake, John E. Fitzgerald, whose legacy is also heralded by the Larceny Bourbon brand.

So $240 for a single bottle (of anything) is quite a bit outside my price range, but let’s see how it tastes anyway.

Old Fitzgerald Bottled in Bond, Fall 2022

Purchase Info: This sample was provided by the producer for review purposes. The suggested retail price is $240.

Price per Drink (50 mL): $16.00

Details: Distilled in fall 2003. Bottled in fall 2022. 19 years old. 50 % ABV.

Nose: Chocolate, vanilla, coconut, leather, and oak.

Mouth: Cinnamon, mint, oak, caramel, and leather.

Finish: Medium in length and warmth. Notes of nutmeg, cinnamon, and oak.

Thoughts: We are split in the BourbonGuy household over this one. My wife, who loves old and oaky bourbons, is a big fan. I, who prefers his bourbon not to be so oaky, am not nearly as much of a fan. She gives it a like, whereas I am neutral on it. Fans of oaky bourbon will love this. Those of us who prefer our bourbon not to taste like an old barrel can easily leave this one to those it is aimed at with few regrets.

Did you enjoy this post? If so, maybe you’d like to buy me a cup of coffee in return. Go to to support. And thank you, is solely supported via your generosity.

Of course, if you want to support and get a little something back in return, you can always head over to and purchase some merch. I’ve made tasting journals, stickers, pins, and more.

Redemption Rye

This bottle was provided by the producer for review purposes with no strings attached.

If you ever wonder whether or not you are good at your job, just think about the poor Minnesota Legislature and the fact that they accidentally legalized THC edibles this summer because one party forgot to actually read the bill that they were voting on. But since a majority of citizens in my adopted home state wish they had gone further and just legalized marijuana, they can’t even take credit for doing what they accidentally did. If you can say that you are better at your job than that, I say that you’ve got it made.

I was thinking about that tonight as I was playing a little Pink Floyd on my new turntable. For…no reason.

I kid, obviously. I was actually thinking about it because I was working on some banner ads. I hate making banner ads because I hate seeing them. (There is a reason I don’t put ads on this site.) Not only that, but I’m not terribly good at them. But people keep hiring me to do it, so…at least I’m better at the job than the Minnesota Legislature?

Oh, speaking of…vote for people next Tuesday that will actually do their job and read the damn bills that they are voting on, ok? I won’t tell you which party to vote for (you probably already know my leanings), but regardless, we should be hiring people who, at the bare minimum, can do the reading part of their job.

Anyway, now that I’m all worked up. Who wants a drink?

Tonight, I’m looking at a whiskey that I have walked past for years. Literally years. I saw that it was listed as two years old on the back and just didn’t feel like giving it a chance. Even if it does look to be sourced from MGP, my favorite distillery for rye. They sent it along with a more expensive new release so that I would have a baseline to compare with the new one. As I hadn’t had either before, I thought that was pretty smart. So let’s dig in.

Redemption Rye

Purchase Info: This bottle was provided for review purposes at no cost. It goes for $27.99 at my nearest Total Wine.

Price per Drink (50 mL): $1.87

Details: 2 years old. 46% ABV. Mash bill: 95% Rye and 5% Malted Barley.

Nose: Spearmint, herbal dill, and bubblegum.

Mouth: Gum from a pack of 1980's baseball cards (yes, I'm old. If you aren't, think bubblegum with hints of cardboard, but in a good way), spearmint, nutmeg, and almond.

Finish: On the shorter side of medium. Notes of mint, cinnamon, and caramel.

IMAGE: This isn't bad, but it's not really for me. So it gets a neutral face.

Thoughts: This is an ok Rye whiskey that I will happily finish but probably wouldn't buy again unless it is on sale. It's a pretty sweet and gentle rye. Which isn't typically what I look for in rye whiskey. However, it does work ok in rye cocktails. I tested it in a Sazerac and an Old Fashioned, and it worked fine in both as long as you adjusted the other ingredients to account for the fact that this is a little gentler than other ryes I’d usually use. Overall, not bad, just kinda meh. I’m excited to try the other bottle they sent now that I have this as a baseline. Check back next week to see how the more expensive version fairs. (How’s that for a tease?)

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Of course, if you want to support and get a little something back in return, you can always head over to and purchase some merch. I’ve made tasting journals, stickers, pins, posters, and more.

Little Book Chapter 6, "To the Finish"

I’d like to thank the folks from Beam Suntory and their PR teams for sharing this sample with no strings attached.

IMAGE: Sample bottle of Little Book Chapter 6, To the Finish.

Beam Suntory’s Little Book is the creation of the newly appointed Eighth Generation Jim Beam Master Distiller Freddie Noe. It is a celebration of what “blended whiskey” can be. These aren’t the blended whiskeys of the mid-to-late 20th century. These are delicious, high proof whiskeys that allow for creativity of ingredient. And I have liked every iteration of Little Book so far. So when I was offered a sample for review, I jumped at it.

This “chapter” is a pretty complicated blend. It includes a five-year-old straight bourbon along with four four-year-old straight malt whiskeys that have each been finished in a different type of finshing barrel. Those include barrels with cherrywood staves and maple wood staves along with barrels that have been smoked with applewood smoke and hickory smoke. Here is what the press release has to say:

Little Book Chapter 6: “To The Finish,” is the latest chapter in Eighth Generation Master Distiller, Freddie Noe’s acclaimed Little Book Whiskey series. The name of this year’s chapter is inspired by Freddie’s passion for both whiskey-making and cooking, and more specifically his curiosity for how flavors come together.

The kitchen has always been a place where the Noe family has come together to share traditions from generation to generation. These traditions around family meals, and Freddie’s adventures around the grill, inspired his work in the rackhouse for Chapter 6. Freddie uses the traditional method of smoking hardwoods to create different aromas and flavors in food, and he’s applied that same method to the whiskey-making process, using unique wood staves and barrel techniques for Chapter 6.

So, how does it taste?

Little Book Chapter 6 "To the Finish"

Purchase Info: This sample was sent to me by the producer for review purposes. The Suggested Retail Price is $124.99

Price per Drink (50 mL): $8.33

Details: 58.725% ABV. Blend Components: 4-year-old Straight Malt Whiskey finished with cherrywood staves, 4-year-old Straight Malt Whiskey finished with applewood smoked barrels, 4-year-old Straight Malt Whiskey finished in hickory smoked barrels, 4-year-old Straight Malt Whiskey finished with maple wood staves, and 5-year-old Kentucky Straight Bourbon.

Nose: Cinnamon, wintergreen, malted grain, and hints of cherry.

Mouth: Very hot and dry. Notes follow the nose with cherry, wintergreen, malt, and cinnamon.

Finish: Long and warm with notes of malt, cinnamon, wintergreen, and a touch of barbeque smoke.

IMAGE: I didn't care for this but it isn't bad whiskey so it gets a neutral face.

Thoughts: I'm sad to say that this is the first "Chapter" of Little Book that didn't work for me. But that is entirely on me, not the Whiskey. I'm not a fan of either malt or smoke, and this has notes of both. So that's on me, not Freddie Noe. If you like/don't mind the flavor of malt whiskey, then this is worth a look.

Did you enjoy this post? If so, maybe you’d like to buy me a cup of coffee in return. Go to to support. And thank you, is solely supported via your generosity.

Of course, if you want to support and get a little something back in return, you can always head over to and purchase some merch. I’ve made tasting journals, stickers, pins, posters, and more.

Limavady Single Barrel, Single Malt Irish Whiskey

I’d like to thank the producers and their PR team for sending this review sample along with no strings attached.

IMAGE: A bottle of Limavady Single Malt Irish Whiskey

I’m going to come right out and say it. I haven’t yet had a Single Malt Whiskey that I actually liked. Notice the Capital S on that categorization. See, I’ve liked the occasional whiskey that uses a large percentage of malt in its mash bill, but for some reason, once it is classified as a Single Malt Whiskey, the odds are that I’m not going to like it. But it really isn’t fair to those whiskeys. Over the years, I’ve simply discovered that I don’t actually like the flavor of malted grains in whiskey. It doesn’t matter if it is malted barley or the relatively recently introduced rye whiskeys that are, entirely or partially, made with malted rye grains. (Never had a whiskey that uses malted corn or malted wheat though so I can’t say on those.)

Of course that doesn’t mean I am going to stop trying them either. I mean, what fun is that? You hand me a whiskey to try and I’m going to try it, whether it uses a large percentage of malted barley or not. Heck, if you handed me a whiskey made entirely of malted corn, malted rye, and malted barley, I’m going to be at least trying it. Even though I don’t care for the taste that malting brings to the grain.

I guess there is a reason I like bourbon and rye best. Styles where the malted grains are usually used in single digit percentages.

So when the PR firm that handles Limavady reached out to me to see if I wanted to try their new product, I of course said yes. Who turns down free booze when the only downside is that it might not be good? It might also be amazing. Plus, I’ve liked quite a few Irish whiskeys, though the ones I’ve liked have been made from a mix of malted and unmalted barley.

So let’s learn a little bit about Limavady, the Single Barrel, Single Malt Irish Whiskey. First, here is what the brand has to say for itself:

Limavady Irish Whiskey- As one of Ireland’s oldest whiskeys dating back to 1750 and inspired by the Gaelic origins of Limavady - Leim an Mhadaidh, meaning “Leap of the Dog.” Darryl McNally, Whiskey Master and descendant of the Limavady Distillery’s 18th century operators, is at the helm of the brand, with his own underdog story to tell. Limavady is made of 100% Irish barley and is small batch, triple distilled in a copper pot still. The single malt whiskey is aged in ex-bourbon barrels and finished in PX sherry cask before bottling each cask individually, at 46% ABV. The sherry casks deliver warm, inviting dried fruit and spice notes, adding richness to a toasted vanilla base, for a drinking experience that’s well-rounded and genuinely delicious.

The rest of the details are as follows. This whiskey is made from 100% malted Irish barley. It was aged in ex-Bourbon barrels and then finished in Pedro Ximénez Sherry casks. The whiskey comes in at 92° proof and is made by Darryl McNally, a 20+ year veteran distiller in the Irish whiskey industry.

Ok, but now onto the important stuff. How does it taste? We know my biases, let’s see if this Irish Single Malt can overcome them.

Limavady Single Barrel, Single Malt Irish Whiskey

Purchase Info: This sample was sent to me by the producer for review purposes. The suggested retail price is $49.99 for a 700mL bottle.

Price per Drink (50 mL): $3.57

Details: Proof: 46% ABV. Mash bill: 100% Malted Irish Barley. Aged in ex-bourbon barrels and finished in PX sherry casks. Barrel#: 0136. Bottle#: 640 of 846.

Nose: Dried fruit, caramel, and lemon.

Mouth: Sweet with notes of dried fruit, mint, and hints of cinnamon candy.

Finish: Medium finish with notes of cinnamon and dried fruit.

This gets a neutral face from me. I don't like or dislike this one.

Thoughts: I’m not going to lie, this one isn’t for me. I appreciate this whiskey more than I like it. It has a pleasant enough flavor, it just isn't my preferred flavor profile. Let’s put it this way, I finished the glass after the tasting, but i didn’t pour another. So I’m very neutral on this personally, but for people who like malt whiskey with a strong Sherry influence, this would probably be worth a look.

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Of course, if you want to support and get a little something back in return, you can always head over to and purchase some merch. I’ve made tasting journals, stickers, pins, and more.