Woodinville Whiskey Straight Bourbon Whiskey. Photo courtesy David Cole, www.davidcolecreative.com.
A reader and fellow designer, David Cole (@Davidscole on twitter), reached out to me today to let me know about an event that is taking place in Washington on December 7th, 2013. As it is bourbon related and in a state that I absolutely adored visiting a few years back, I thought I’d pass it along. FYI, David designed and created the packaging on this bottling. His site is www.davidcolecreative.com.
What: Woodinville Whiskey Company Straight Bourbon Release
When: December 7th, 2013. Doors open at 7 am, but there will be coffee and doughnuts at 6 am.
What makes this special? Well, for one thing it is a craft distiller releasing a straight whiskey. That’s pretty darn special right there. Add in the fact that they made the whiskey and aged it for 2 years in standard sized barrels and it gets even better.
What will you be buying? This is the first release of straight whiskey from Woodinville Whiskey company and they are releasing it in collector’s edition bottles complete with “a custom pewter label and custom display box.” Or so their website says. It goes on to say that there are 388 wheated bourbon bottles available and 207 rye bourbon bottles. Bottles are 750 mL each and will retail for $149.95. Limit one bottle per person.
What do I think? Well, to be honest, $150 for a 750 mL is quite a bit above the limit of buyer’s remorse for me, especially for a two-year old whiskey. That said, I’m also a fan of letting the whiskey speak for itself and I haven’t tasted it so I can’t pass judgement on whether or not it is worth the price. I also need to remember that this is a “collector’s edition bottle” that really looks quite pricey to produce (as I said, I’m a designer and know how expensive printing small runs can be and yes…roughly 600 is a tiny print run even without all the extras that are happening on this). Hopefully future bottlings will have a more reasonable price tag. So ultimately, if you are a fan and in the area, maybe you want to show up on the seventh, plunk down your cash and let us all know how it tastes.
Oh and it really is beautiful packaging. Nice work David. You’ve done beautiful work.