Old Fitzgerald Bottled-in-Bond, Spring 2020 Edition

I’d like to thank Heaven Hill for providing this review sample with no strings attached.

Well, I stepped on the scale today for the first time in a few years. My wife told me the battery had died so I’d replaced the battery and decided to test it out to make sure it worked.

I knew I’d gotten fat, but whooo…didn’t realize it was that much.

Luckily, I’ve been down this road before. I know what to do. I have a treadmill and an exercise bike. l know how to track calories and hold myself accountable. I know not to order DoorDash twice or more per week. I know not to have as much bourbon and beer. I know all of that.

So I’m going to try to get healthy. Or at least healthier. I’ve never been a believer in giving up all the things you like. But moderation is always a good policy. And if I’m going to moderate and monitor my intake of “good things” I might as well go for quality over quantity. Have a really good meal once in a while instead of multiple “ok” but convenient ones. Have one really great pour of bourbon instead of a couple pours that are merely good.

Speaking of bourbons that should be really good, let’s look at tonight’s sample, shall we?

Old Fitzgerald Bottled-in-Bond, Spring 2020 Edition

Purchase Price: This sample was graciously provided by Heaven Hill for review purposes. The suggested retail price is about $90.

Price per Drink (50 mL): $6.00

Details: Made: Spring 2011. Bottled: Spring 2020. 50% ABV. 9-years-old. Wheated.

Nose: Cinnamon red hots, caramel rolls, vanilla.

Mouth: Cinnamon, oak, brown sugar, vanilla.

Finish: Sweet and spicy and medium length. Really getting some lingering caramel cinnamon rolls.


Thoughts: Well, my wife (the accountant and our major breadwinner) has informed me that if I happen across this one at anywhere near SRP, that it had better be coming home with me. I guess that says all that needs to be said. Well, except... Yes, ma' am!

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