Little Book 2020: Chapter 4 "Lessons Honored"

I’d like to thank the PR folks at Jim Beam for providing a review sample to me with no strings attached.

It’ll be there next time.

It seems that is my mantra these last few years. It’s a message of putting off what I really want for what is good enough. Rationalizing away my desires due to my schedule being busy or being too frugal. Or, in my case, an anxiety attack. I can’t tell you how many times “next time” has robbed me of not only “this time” but of any time.

The times I thought I might give my Grandpa a visit but got busy with something.

We’ll go next time. But next time was after Grandpa had a heart attack so I only got to see him in the hospital that last time.

The concert that I had tickets to, but my anxiety wouldn’t let me go to.

I’ll catch them the next time they come through. But then COVID came through and who knows when concerts will happen as they did before.

Even something as small as deciding to not pull the trigger on a Limited Release whiskey that I was coveting.

No, I don’t want to spend the money this time. I’ll grab it next time. But next time it was gone. Someone else bought it for their “this time” before my “next time” arrived.

There are plenty more examples in my past, but you get the idea. And honestly, we all do this. Maybe you are a Grandson with no regrets. Maybe you don’t have sometimes crippling anxiety attacks at the most inopportune moments. But I bet we’ve all done that last one. I think that with the world the way it is right now and with how much uncertainty, I’m going to try to grab moments I can. Whether it is time with family or just a special bottle of whiskey now and then.

Little Book Chapter 4: Lessons Honored

Purchase Price: This was graciously provided by Jim Beam for review purposes. The suggested retail price is $124.99 for a 750 mL bottle.

Price per Drink (50 mL): $8.33

Details: 61.4% ABV. A blend of 4-year-old Brown Rice Bourbon, 8-year-old "high rye" Rye Whiskey, 7-year-old Bourbon

Nose: Cinnamon, ginger, mint, a bready note, a floral note, and some oak

Mouth: Cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, oak, and a hint of mint.

Finish: Medium to long. Lingering notes of ginger, mint, and barrel char.

Thoughts: I really like this one. I'd happily pick up a bottle if I was going to the store with a $100 + budget. That doesn't happen to me very often, but happens enough that I'm hoping to get my hands on a bottle. I've now had Chapters 2 and 4 and have been very happy with both of them. Really wishing I'd have grabbed a Chapter 3 all those times I walked past it and said “next time.” Lesson learned.

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