By now, it is no surprise that the only way I can justify keeping this site going is through donations and the sale of hand-made items through my Etsy store. Not that I make my money back–not even a little bit. But it does allow me to have a creative outlet and recoup part of the bourbon budget. I’m not sure you want to know how much I spend on bourbon for reviews.
Let’s just say that the amount we spend is one of the reasons we did Dry January. We wanted to break the rut of buying bourbon, drinking bourbon, buying more bourbon, and drinking more bourbon. The thought was that if we drank less bourbon, we’d probably spend less on it. Though, as far as January was concerned, that just meant that I filled the closet instead of my belly. But baby steps!
Anyway, I’ve been working on a couple of new items for the store that might be especially popular with this crowd. As I was cleaning out my garage to make it so that we could park out of the snow this winter (had there been snow, we’ve had like an inch and it is 50° again today), I found three old bourbon barrels and numerous barrel heads that I’d bought way back in 2016. I mean, I knew they were there. I just had looked past them for many years now as I couldn’t think of anything to do with them.
Kentucky Bourbon Shelf Sitter - $80 each

But then I realized that I’d bought a lot of tools since I last looked at those barrels and heads. I’d purchased a laser engraver to etch designs and a planer, allowing me to give the barrel heads a clean surface to engrave on. And so, I used them both to come up with this design. I call it the Kentucky Bourbon Shelf Sitter, and I’ve made four of them so far. Once these sell out, I’ll start a new batch. If you want one, head over to They are $80 each, but that includes shipping.
Hardcover Bourbon Tasting Journal - $45 each

Ever since I initially came out with my first tasting journal in 2016 (pictured at the top of the post), people have asked me for a hardcover version with more pages. Well, I finally got the equipment to do that. (It turns out that binding equipment is rather specialized and a little spendy, though not as spendy as bourbon...or at least it will last longer for the same money spent.) This is a 100-page tasting journal with laser-engraved wood covers. It is the same journal my wife currently uses at home and is based on the 40-page softcover journal we’ve been selling for almost eight years. It features an elastic band to keep it closed and wire binding to help you open it. What more could you ask for? This hardcover journal sells for $45, including shipping.
Of course, we also sell other bourbon-themed home decor, stickers, posters, and even barrel bungs should you need to close a barrel for some reason. I hope you’ll check out BourbonGuyGifts and think about helping to keep this site publishing twice a week (mostly). Of course, if you’d rather just donate, please see the links in the footer below.
And a sincere thank you for your continued support.
If you want to support the work going on here at, please consider a one-time donation at or Or you could buy some merch that I’ve designed and/or built (tasting journals, stickers, pins, signs, posters, and more) at